Did you know light bulbs can be used as vases, milk jugs turned into shovels, and wine corks transformed into business cardholders? Everyday objects can be used in a multitude of ways other than those originally intended.
You can make everything from emergency supplies or substitutes to creative crafts and gifts with common household items and a little creativity. Upcycle old magazines or bags, transform plastic spoons and t-shirts, or just cobble together a starship from office supplies.

For dozens of awesome ideas on how to use everyday objects in different ways, read on.
 Open a Stubborn Jar
Use a spoon to break the steal on a new jar when its lid just won’t come loose.
Milk Jug Shovel
Just draw a shovel shape on the jug, and cut along the lines. An ingenious way to create a sand shovel and recycle a gallon jug at the same time!
Shoe Organizer Vegetable Garden
Shoe organizers work well for planting herbs and veggies!

Tic-Tac Box Flashlight
This requires a little smoldering to pull off, but if you are not into building your own light sources, tic-tac boxes are still a great place to keep extra batteries.
Pop Tab Chain mail
Learn how to make genuine chain mail from the pop taps off soda cans!
Yarn Lanterns
Yarn, balloons, and basic craft supplies create these awesome decorations.
 Convert a Canning Jar into a Pourable Container
Take the spout from a salt container and put it in the lid from a canning jar. You now have a spouted jar with a removable top.
Flower Pancakes
Use a squeeze bottle to create decorative pancakes!
Tennis Ball Picture Holder
Tennis balls make great picture holders! All you need to do is cut a slit in the ball and weigh it down inside with pennies. Check the link for cool decorating and display ideas!
Hanging Bottle Light
Turn a glass bottle into an over-sized light bulb with this tutorial.
 Baking Soda and Vinegar to Clean Oven and Stove Top
To make the best homemade oven cleaner, just mix baking soda and vinegar to a paste and clean those glass stove tops easily.
Grocery Bag Container
Dress up an old cleaning wipes container and use it to store your plastic grocery bags. You can even fold them so they are interconnected.
Floral Stamps From Veggies
The ends of leafy vegetables make great impromptu stamps.
Pot Holder into Flat Iron Holder
Sew a pot holder to fit your flat iron.
VHS Case Picture Frame with Secret Storage
VHS tapes may be obsolete, but you can still find a use for the cases. Replacing the cover art with a picture of your own makes a handy frame that doubles as a storage compartment.