We all have things we know we should clean more often but don’t. How many of us are really diligent about washing our sheets every week? Then, there are the things we think we should clean but don’t know how. How many people are actually sure how to clean a sofa? There are also things we don’t even consider cleaning.
Often, these are items used for cleaning other things, like dishwashers, but sometimes they aren’t. When was the last time you cleaned your car keys? Read on for instructions on how to get dozens of much-needed cleaning jobs done.
Running a cycle with vinegar instead of soap (and no dirty dishes) will help keep all the dishwasher’s internal parts clean and gunk free.
It’s pretty hard to keep a keyboard really clean for long with all the nooks and crannies that dust and dead skin can fall into. Check this tutorial for a safe way to give your keyboard a thorough (and probably much needed) cleaning.
Refrigerator Coils
Help increase the performance (and the life) of your fridge by cleaning these regularly.
Light switch Plates
Light switch plates are easy to overlook in your cleaning routine, but even if you wipe them down occasionally, they can still benefit from a thorough wash.
Washing Machine
Although your washing machine spends its time getting your clothes clean, it can still benefit from cleaning itself. Run two full cycles with your washing machine empty, one mixing bleach with the water, and one mixing vinegar, for a clean machine.
Hair Brushes
Dead skin and hair build up in hairbrushes with alarming speed.
Yes, we put toothpaste on them every day, but these are not only used to remove germs in our mouth, but they also sit in one of the most germ-infested rooms in our house.
Stove Drip Pans
Stove drip pans often get overlooked because they are such a pain to deal with. However, baking soda, dish soap, and a little elbow grease work wonder to clean the burnt in gunk that accumulates on the drip pans.
You absolutely should be washing your pillows to remove all the dead skin, germs, and dirt that can sink into their interior. Just be sure you dry them thoroughly afterward.
how to clean sneakers
These things come in contact with all sorts of dirt and grime in the course of one day let alone how long it’s probably been since you’ve washed them.
Although it can be a pain to take them down and rehang them after washing, curtains are susceptible to the same dust, handprints, and pet hair as the rest of the house.
Vacuum Filters
Because your vacuum spends all its time clean up dirt, its filters get dirty quickly. Cleaning them regularly will improve your vacuum’s performance.
Probably the most uncleaned item on the list. How many people have actually cleaned their keys on purpose? But these things come in contact with thousands of germs every day and a little soap and water won’t hurt them a bit.
Comforters should normally be cleaned at least twice a year, possibly more depending on the type you have.
Yoga Mats
Something you lay on strange floors in your sweaty clothes on daily should always be cleaned regularly.
Contact Lens Case
Most people are good about cleaning their contacts, but did you know the case should also be cleaned regularly? Unclean cases result in unclean contacts.
Walls suffer multiple handprints, dust, spills, and any germs present in the house, yet most people don’t think to clean their walls unless a child has used them for an art canvas.
Sponges come in contact with all kinds of germs every time they are used. These household staples need thorough regular cleanings if you use the same ones over and over.
Coffee Maker
Coffee makers are surprisingly easy to clean. A vinegar and water solution run through just like coffee will normally do the trick.
Sofas are notoriously tricky to clean, but they usually get a lot of use and so normally need regular cleanings.
Water Bottles
Reusable water bottles can build up bacteria over time and so should be cleaned, like any dishes, regularly.
Purses are another item that spends its time coming into contact with all sorts of grim and germs and we rarely think about cleaning. Be sure to clean both the inside and outside of your purse.
Loofahs/Mesh Sponges
A weekly hot soak in hydrogen peroxide, hot water, and vinegar will help keep your loofah clean and germ-free.
Ear phones
Removable earbuds periodically need a good soak in cleaning solution and water.
Make-up Brushes
Make-up brushes are just like any artist’s brush and need to be cleaned regularly to function well.
Laundry Baskets
These are carted around the house and often hold dirty laundry as well as clean.
You wash your bed, and you wash your pillows. But what about your comforter? Do you know how to wash a down comforter at home? Find out here, it is a lot easier than you think.
Cell Phone
Carefully wiping down the screen periodically will help decrease germs and grim and improve touchscreen performance.
Lamp Shades
Lampshades gather dust and grim like everything else in your house. Depending on the type of shade, you might be able to clean them with soap and water.
Door Knobs
Cleaning and polishing doorknobs not only will reduce germs, but will also make your doors look newer.
Shower Curtain Liner
Your shower liner is exposed to moisture, dirt, germs, and soaps on a regular basis. It definitely needs to be cleaned to keep your shower healthy.
Remote Control
Often remotes will only need a quick cleaning, but if your remote is suffering from serious grim build-up, you may need to take it apart to clean it more thoroughly.
Vents/Air Ducts
Your vents have household air blowing through them every day–that’s dust, dander, and germs. Dusting and vacuuming the vents regularly is a must.
Most people vacuum regularly, but carpets need to be thoroughly cleaned to remove all the grime and build-up that accumulates in them over time and use a homemade cleaning solution for easy carpet cleanup.
Blinds are dust magnets. Dusting, vacuuming, and sponging off your blinds may all be necessary to keep your window blinds clean.
Garbage Can
Even if your garbage always makes it into the trash bag, garbage cans still accumulate loads of germs. These guys need to clean regularly.
Shower Mat
Lots of germs and grime accumulate on a shower mat over time.
Weather Stripping
The weatherstripping on your car can be one of the first things that get dirty. Be sure to check for cracks while you clean. Cracked stripping should be replaced.
Steering Wheel
Steering wheels can get pretty germy, especially if we’ve been around people with the cold or flu or have one ourselves. Magic erasers actually work wonders to remove some visible wear while cleaning your wheel.
Sprayer Head
In addition to kitchen sprayers, this includes faucets and shower heads as well. Residue from tap water builds upon these over time, resulting in poor performance and general grime.
Reusable Shopping Bags
Usually, these are machine washable, but there are other ways to clean them as well.
Wooden Cutting Boards
Anything that has raw food placed on it regularly also needs to be cleaned regularly. Wooden cutting boards are tricky since you can’t toss these into the dishwasher or dishwater, but they can still be cleaned easily and naturally.