Laundry Sauce
You don’t need ultra expensive laundry detergent to get your clothes clean, make your own laundry sauce!

Insecticidal Spray
Insecticides often have harmful chemicals, but you can make a homemade insecticidal spray that is chemical-free and will also help prevent rabbits and deer from chewing on your garden plants.
Dishwasher Tablets
Name brand dishwasher tablets are great but expensive. Instead, make your own tablets at home to save money and avoid potentially harmful chemicals.
Make an expensive smelling perfume yourself with this tutorial.
Jewelry Cleaner
Need to clean your jewelry, but don’t have any jewelry cleaner handy? The recipe, using simple household items, will do the trick. Additionally, use vinegar and salt to clean pewter jewelry.

Water and glue are all you need to make mod-podge yourself.
Headache Salve
Instead of taking expensive painkillers for your headache, try making yourself some natural headache salve.
Name brand Play-doh can be pricey, but you can make your own homemade version for a fraction of the cost.
Chalkboard Paint
Chalkboard paint is awesome for making writing spaces on door interiors and jars, but you don’t need to go out and buy cans of paint, you can make some at home!
Car Lock De-Icer
For those icy days in winter, learn to make a de-icer for your car.
Shaving Cream
Shea butter and essentials oils make excellent shaving cream, even for sensitive skin.
Gel Air Fresheners
Air fresheners can be expensive, but you can easily make your own with this tutorial.