Paper Flowers
Use colored paper to make pretty flowers, or use plain paper and color it yourself!

Bike Pedal Straps
Use the nylon from an old backpack to create pedal straps for your bike.
Winter Tree
Combining twigs and cotton balls can create a fun winter art project for your kids.
God’s Eye
Looking for a use for old string or yarn? Make a God’s Eye.
Cereal Box Place Mat
Weave strips of an old cereal box with strips from a milk jug for a woven placemat.

Magazine Organizers
Use old cardboard boxes to create magazine organizers
Ripped Jeans
Make professional-looking ripped jeans.
Cloth Book Mark
If you don’t have a hole punch and ribbon laying around, you can forgo the ribbon accent. Instead of the suggested card stock, just use an old birthday or Christmas card.
Cat Tree
Use rescued wood and your cats toys to create an awesome and unique cat tree!
Spring Doorstop
Use twine, paint, dried flowers, or whatever you have lying around the house to decorate a brick for a doorstop.
Make a Dog Halter
Use an old leash to create a halter for your dog.
Recycled Wrapping Paper
Use old paper to make unique gift wrapping.
Puffy Paint
Use flour, salt, water, and food coloring to make homemade puffy paint.