11. Expired Spices
Spices definitely have shelf lives. If you want to find out the various self-lives for different spices, check here.
12. Outdated Tech
Old computers, cell phones, VHS tapes, printers. You know what’s outdated and needs to go. If you aren’t sure how to get rid of it, you could always upcycle it, like this computer monitor cat bed.
13. Old Toys
Broken toys just need to go. Likewise, those toys no one has touched for years should leave your house as well.
14. Toothbrushes
How often do you actually switch out your toothbrush? Cause you probably aren’t doing it enough.
15. Lens Cases
Dirty lens cases can cause problems for your eyes. If you’ve had yours for years, it’s past time to get a new one.
16. Old Canned Food
Canned food actually does expire, it just takes a long time. If you have cans so old in the back of your cupboard they are gathering dust, it’s time they hit the trash can.
17. Used Light Bulbs and/or Batteries
But how to do you throw away old batteries safely? Check here for answers.
18. Towels
If you have the same towels you had last decade; it’s high time to toss them. If they are still in relatively good shape, considering donating them to an animal shelter.
19. The Majority of Your Junk Drawer
It’s called a “junk” drawer for a reason.
20. Pillows
Even if you wash your pillows regularly (and who actually does that), they still regain germs and dirt at an alarming rate.
Know others who need to toss some items? Share this page with them!