Even the least pack raty of us keeps things around we really should have thrown out long ago. We justify it to ourselves by saying we really are going to wear that dress that has sat in the closet for two years without ever being worn or that stack of magazines is earmarked for craft use, but let’s face it, if we were going to do those things, they would have already been done.
Then there are things we didn’t even know we should throw out. Did you realize makeup expired? How about canned goods? Read on to find out what you should be throwing out that you’ve instead been keeping around.
1. Sponges
Sponges should be replaced every month and should be cleaned regularly. Find out more here.
2. Old Shoes
Those shoes that are falling apart and barely wearable need to hit the trash can now. The shoes that you wash but never wear and are just taking up space in your closet, you should donate.
3. Old Clothes
You know the ones. They’ve been hanging out in the back of your closet for years, and you just haven’t gotten around to wearing them or giving them away yet. It’s past time you do.
4. Expired and/or Broken Make-Up
Expired make-up can be dangerous to your skin to keep using. Find out how to determine if your make-up is expired here.
5. Dry Cleaner Hangers
You don’t need them. You really don’t.
6. Old Magazines
If you were going to read them/craft with them/give them to someone, you would have done it already. They need to go.
7. Failed or Half-Finished DIYs
If you have a DIY project that has been sitting half-finished in the corner of your room for weeks or months or years, it’s time to admit you aren’t going to finish it. Likewise, that failed project tucked in the corner isn’t getting fixed. Just toss it.
8. Old Socks and Hats
Socks, if they have holes in them, they have outlived their usefulness. Likewise, if you can’t find their mates, then it’s better just to toss them. Same goes for old hats and caps. Have you ever tried to wash a hat and then just found yourself in getting rid of it.
9. Paint
Yes, paint can be tricky to get rid of, but you still need to. Find out how here.
10. Old Underwear and Bras
We all have them. Those ones we wear only when we’re doing laundry or those favorites that have the underwire poking through but you can’t bear to toss them. Be brave. You can do it.